The original Soundweb 9010 Programmable Controller set new standards in control interfacing to DSP systems, and has yet to be bettered as a simple yet powerful interface. The Soundweb London equivalent, the BLU-10, builds on that power and reputation by adding touch-screen control to make a more attractive and potentially cost-saving control solution. It is possible that a BLU-10 could replace a more expensive proprietary touch screen solution where simpler control interfacing is required.

As with the Soundweb 9010, up to 100 control ‘pages’ of virtually any Soundweb London DSP parameter can be constructed, with the ability to create ‘folders’ for nested pages. Access to specific pages or folders can be restricted with the use of password protection, so that only engineers or key employees can adjust critical system parameters.

Each page can hold up to eight different functions and with navigation being carried out entirely by a page list, all of these functions can be assigned to real parameters rather than functioning as page transitions.

The BSS BLU-10 comes in 3 colour options:

Ideal Fixed Installations for the BSS BLU-10 :

Please call us at Old Barn Audio on 01892 752246 if you have any questions or would like to buy a BSS BLU-10 programmable controller or any other products from BSS for installation in your business premises.