LoveLight Entertainment further increase Martin Audio Stock Holding
LoveLight Entertainment have further increased their stock holding of Martin Audio equipment by investing heavily in more high end Martin Audio equipment, all purchased from their long-standing supplier – Old Barn Audio
To bolster the bottom end of their main Martin Audio system, LoveLight have purchased extra WS218X subs and MA12k Amplifiers – ‘a very wise choice’ quoted Dean Williams – Director of LoveLight Entertainment.
to further enhance their smaller events, LoveLight chose to purchase an array of Martin Audio F10+ and Martin Audio S12+ enclosures. ‘These work great in so many applications’ Dean also said ‘to be able to put them up as small monitor systems, side-fills on medium stages, as drum-fills or even front of house for very small events makes the purchase and investment worthwhile’
Please visit LoveLight‘s website for further information.