MLA Compact on tour with Thaikkudam Bridge
Old Barn Audio were very proud to take their MLA Compact out on tour with Thaikkudam Bridge on their inaugural visit to the UK. Being very large in India, and having toured the world already, this was their very first visit to the UK and their very first show in London’s east end.
The promoter ‘KushLosh’ was adamant that the band needed the best sound and MLA Compact was their system of choice. Old Barn Audio, being an MLA Dealer and Distributor, were asked to supply the front-of-House system and designed a 4-box MLA Compact solution. Even though the venue was only a compact 1000 seat theatre, with stalls, mosh-pit and circle, the venue staff and promoters were surprised that only four boxes seamlessly covered the entire venue at 100db.
When asked why only four boxes, Old Barn Audio’s Phil Clark stated ‘why take more boxes when four will supply what is needed? The software guru’s at Martin Audio have designed Display software to map venues so accurately that we were able to plot the venue at our offices, know what was needed and then supply a system accordingly. Not only is this financially beneficial to the client, as he isn’t paying for boxes he doesn’t need, but logistics and transport are far cheaper as well!’
Thaikuddum Bridge continue their UK tour throughout July. Here is a link to the Official FaceBook video :