Page title module

Header module

Smaller heading + blue border, optional introductory text

This is the “postcard” module viverra ut justo et accumsan. Nulla vitae ullamcorper mauris, ut facilisis mi. Pellentesque faucibus velit massa, sed facilisis mi porttitor ac

Callout module

Allows a heading, some content, and a button.

Keys in Yarm


When you install sound systems for nightclubs, there are only two things on the mind of the owner of the club and the installer: How much will this cost? How much bass can we generate…

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Sound systems for bars and restaurants

Bars & Restaurants

Sound systems for bars and restaurants, although sounding simple, bring their own challenges. The venue may have different clientele throughout the day. Those customers will probably want different types and levels of music coming from…

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Church sound systems


Old Barn Audio have installed church sound systems in well over 300 churches and places of worship. They have an extraordinary amount of experience and advice they can offer.  Especially if you are unsure of…

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Three Rivers Academy


Audio or sound systems for schools and colleges can vary dramatically.  A school, college or university has many areas that can benefit from an audio system. From the classrooms, lecture halls, the corridors, to the…

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Block with custom content

Custom repeater field for generating custom blocks that link to anywhere, with any title & any content

Block with custom content

Case Studies

Take a look at just some of the projects Old Barn Audio have completed

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